RF Multiplexers combine multiple filters to a common port to create a multi-channel module. Its block diagram consists of two parts: a distribution system, called the manifold, and a group of filters, which can be customized to meet lowpass, highpass, bandpass, or bandstop requirements.
The goal of an RF Multiplexer is to first exhibit each channel’s transfer function as if it were a standalone device. The second function of an RF multiplexer is to preserve impedance matching at the common port over the bands of interest.
MPG’s BSC and K&L Microwave® fixed multiplexers utilize various topology to achieve optimum performance in a wide range of applications operating in 0.0005GHz to 94GHz frequency range with 0.1 to 200% bandwidth.
Available in configurable-to-order as well as custom designs to meet the most demanding applications.
RF Multiplexer frequency: UHF from .5 GHz to 50 GHZ (L band, S band, C band, X band, Ku band, K band, Ka band).
RF Multiplexer features: RF Multiplexers support bandwidths from 1% to 200%, in configurations of 2 to 18 sections. Filters are available in a Q range of 250 to 10,000.
RF Multiplexer channel-to-channel behavior may be categorized in one of three ways: as Overlapping Channels, with some bandwidths shared by three ports; Contiguous Channels, with adjacent channels joined at their 3dBc point and Non-Contiguous Channels, with a separating spectrum, or “guard band” between adjacent channel pairs. Given the flexibility of RF Multiplexers, they can be custom-fit to a variety of applications, including those in the following markets: defense, EW, RADAR, communications, SATCOM, telecom, SIGINT, aerospace, space, automated test equipment, navigation/GPS and data links.
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MPG’s engineers design and manufacture a highly dependable product, utilizing in-house machine shops equipped with complex technology and machinery. Customized to meet the tailored needs of each and every client, our Multiplexer Filters can be found in use across a wide range of industries, including telecommunications and aerospace, where durable long-lasting filters are required.