Thanks to durable standard packaging and our team of experienced engineers, MPG can provide customized Lumped Element Filters (LC Filters) at a reduced time to market. Standard packages are available for most applications, including those where severe environmental stresses, such as temperature, humidity, shock, vibrations and acceleration are common. HF, VHF and UHF in bandpass, band reject, high pass and low pass designs.
Frequency Range: HF, VHF and UHF from 0.5 MHz to 10 GHz (L band, S band, C band, X band)
Bandwidth: 1% to 200%
LC filters are passive devices, smaller than the operating wavelength, to permit a wider bandwidth within compact packaging. Special design capabilities for our Lumped Element Filters include, but are not limited to, elliptical, pseudo-elliptical, amplitude equalization, group delay equalization, bessel, gaussian, and highpower.
Frequency: Lumped Element Filter frequency: HF, VHF and UHF from 0.5 MHz to 10 GHz (L band, S band, C band, X band)
Features:LC Filters are available in bandwidths from 1% to 200%, in configurations of 2 to 10 sections. Filters are available in a Q range of 400 to 800 with bandpass, band reject, high pass and low pass designs available.
Due to the innovative and customizable nature of K&L Lumped Element Filters, they can fit a wide range of applications, including those in the following markets: defense, EW, radar, communications, satcom, telecom, SIGIN, aerospace, space, automated test equipment, navigation/GPS and data links.